Me and some of my friends were partaking in some recreational fun and the conversation ensued that actually carried some content. One of them suggested that if I had trouble remembering what vital knowledge I was dispensing that I should invest in a digital voice recorder. I thought the idea was ingenious. How else would I remember my Moments of Greatness. That is what I have decided to call it. I believer under certain circumstances your brain relaxes and issues thoughts that are void of screening, pretense, subterfuge, and is on many levels profound. To others maybe not so much.
I made the comment that I felt more comfortable electing a President that also had recreational fun or at least used to. How else would they be able to save the world on a daily basis? Yes some of you are reading this and you are not comprehending. It's ok. It means you probably have never been Great and have nothing to compare. Proceed to the next blog entry. For those that have been Great you know what I am talking about. You may have cured cancer during this Greatness or came up with a way to bring about peace in the Middle East. Start recording your conversations. I'm going to give it a shot. Now I don't think recreational fun should be embarked upon on a regular basis, because then the moments would be less great. But every once in a while if you feel the desire to use more then 10% of your brain at one time, well think about having some fun. LOL.
"he looks like an adult cherub!"