Saturday, February 02, 2008

Staats' Top Ten

A la David Lettermen's Top Ten Reasons...a funny question came to mind when my roommate noticed I had a Band-Aid over my nipple. (Don't ask). Anyway I wondered...

What could be the top 10 reasons a man would have a Band-Aid over his nipple.

#10. Bacon flavored cologne and a pet German Shepard.
#9. To find out the hard way why men don't breast feed.
#8. A piercing job gone really bad.
#7. Someone triple dog dared you to see if it would stick to a frozen pole like in the Christmas Story.
#6. Trying to start a new Band-Aid trend like Nelly did.
#5. Overzealous girlfriend who is on a diet.
#4. To distract you that there are really three nipples on your chest.
#3. Ran out of Pasties.
#2. Couldn't remember the "Safe" word while playing with your Dominatrix.

And the #1 reason a guy might have a Band-Aid over his nipple...
In memory of Janet Jackson's Superbowl Halftime Show.

Just had to be silly. Enjoy the Superbowl.

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