This is the question that too many teenagers and young adults, more so high school and college students, have to ask themselves on a daily basis. To abort or not to abort? It's not a question but a reality more often then necessary. Abortion, many cases being the product of irresponsibility and people not dealing with the consequences of their actions. We live in a world that tries to shortcut a problem, and think that they come to a correct solution. When in fact that thought process is what has resulted in 1.2 million abortions a year. Over one million mistakes? The thing about being a mistake is that after it has been done once, it shouldn't happen again. "We made a mistake," is no longer an acceptable excuse. Those of us that are supposed to be support systems are as guilty as those that commit the act. Think you are removed from the situation, lets try a scenario:
You see a woman going into a dorm room/apartment/house with your friend, the same woman your friend said he was going to "give it to". You then realize this is the same guy that said he doesn't use condoms, because he has never got a woman pregnant before. A few weeks later the woman is missing class/work/functions because she's too "sick" to leave her place. She's pregnant. You know it, she knows it, and your friend knows it. But it isn't any of your business when you find out that she is going to get rid of the baby. You even tell your friend to hand his business, and that no woman is worth losing his scholarship/job/comfortable life over.
Remember that beginning part, is $315 dollars worth your soul? Better yet is $315 worth the life of anybody. Common said it best with, "From now on I'mma use self-control instead of birth control." It isn't worth it. For those other there handling yours, good for you. No, you don't deserve an award, what you need is a soapbox for you to get up on and preach to those headed down the same path that you once travelled. Truthfully, how many of us are ready to be a parent? I'm not. And looking back on my life, I'm just lucky that God also decided that He didn't want me to somebody's parent.
Think back for a minute on your past sexual history. Has there been anyone in that history that you would want as the mother or father of your child. Some of us don't even talk to the people that we've engaged sexually. She's not the woman your momma wanted you to bring home, nor the guy that your Dad wanted to see with his daughter. But fellas, let's be real; if the girl you got pregnant, be it your girlfriend or just some random girl, and wanted to abort the baby would you try to stop her? Probably not. I would. I couldn't live with the thought of killing my son, my daughter, just so I can go out and make the same mistake again with somebody else. Or on a larger scale, kill off the next President of the United States, the doctor that finds a cure to cancer, or helps repair the ozone layer. A child is not a burden and should never be considered such.
In some cases having a child forces the parents to grow up. It's almost a test, to see if you'll step up to the plate of responsibility. Many choose to be a base runner, so that they can play the field and try to win at life without ever swinging a bat. As a baseball player can you live without ever hitting a ball? As a person could you live with yourself if you killed your unborn child? I do believe there are certain instances where the rules should be bent. This is a very sick world that we live in, where molestation, rape, and incest happen more often then they ever should. But I am pro-life.
Some people aren't ready to be parents. I'm not. But if you're not use common sense and a little thing called restraint. You don't have to "poke" everything in a skirt. Or ladies you don't have to get everything in a nice car or with money in their pockets. And ladies "it's too many Black women that can say they mothers, but can't say that they wives." So the next time you encounter a brother with a child, give him the time of day. That child tells you what is in that man's soul. Don't worry about a ready made family or the baby's mother. That man isn't just a man, but a father single or not. He is responsible, dedicated, committed, and someone that can be counted on. At least in one little person's eyes. Every one makes mistakes, but he didn't. That child isn't a mistake, the conception of that child wasn't a mistake. God doesn't make mistakes. And that child is God's definition of that man.
"I don't wanna, go through the drama of having a baby's momma/
Weekend visits and buying' J's ain't gonna make me a father/
For a while bearing a child is somethin' I never wanted to do/
For me to live forever I can only do that through you/
Nerve I got to talk about them niggas with guns/
Must have really thought I was God to take the life of my son."
-excerpts from Common's "Retrospect for Life" featuring Lauryn Hill.
I truly hope that all those that 'religionize' the termination of a cluster of cells no bigger than the tip of a pencil plan to adopt all the unwanted babies, take care of the children no one wants, go out and help the children living in pain and agony because they are resented, living in poverty because they cost too much for the parents.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure resented, unwanted, impoverished, abandoned children is EXACTLY what God had in mind.
Stop living in your bubble: RARELY does someone 'grow up' because they are forced to deal with an unwanted child.
Well Kristin, your opinion is duly noted. I knew that this topic would rub some people the wrong way. And I didn't mention anything about those children in the world that were in need of adoption. I am pro-life. Plain and simple. I think adoption is a great choice for those that cannot have children, or want to share their love with a 'unwanted' child. I do think that many circumstances result in children being put up for adoption. But I think the most selfish of those is because the parents are not ready to be parents.
ReplyDeleteAnd from the experiences that directly affect me I have noticed that many of my friends/family/associates have 'grown up' due to the fact that their selfish lifestlye had to be turned to include another life. I don't think God when giving people free will and the power of choice thought that faced with being a parent, adoption, or abortion, that so many would choose to end life rather then celebrate it.
So no I don't live in a Bubble. But I respect your opinion as being your opinion. And watch the H-word. You don't know enough about this writer to throw that big of a stone. I value life in all forms.
Greetings. I searched the internet for a picture, and was brought to this blog instead. And, I'm glad I landed here.
ReplyDeleteI'm the mother of four now-grown folks that I raised as a single mother. And I once dated a man who was 50 and had no children. But, he often bragged about how he he'd had women pregnant before. There was something about that didn't sit well with me, and I eventually lost respect for him because of it. I wondered how he could care for my children, but had never loved his enough to bring them into this world.
Kristin.. why do already extant children living in poverty legitimize killing other children? Being against abortion and wanting to care for hungry children around the world are not mutually exclusive. There needs to be serious health care and tax bracket reform and a shift in the hearts of the general populace before those kids all have food in their stomachs.. picking em off in the womb one by one is just a way of painting over the mold. It's a bloody, murderous way.
ReplyDeleteStop making others pay with their lives because you're trying to do things that you're not grown up enough for yet.
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He cupped her, felt the hardened nipples pressing into his palms, as he moved her tits in slow, sensual circles. She is now dressed back in her clothes sheleft the house with.
When I saw Kristin's comment, referring to the "cluster of cells no bigger than the tip of a pencil", it made me think.
ReplyDeleteHere's a question for you:
Is that cluster of cells any less of a child than a baby in a womb that is unconscious of the fact that it even exists?