Here are a list of things that I could have done without seeing on the Awards program.
#1. Baby Mama Slob Down

I understand surprise performances and collabos. I am all for that on Award shows. Definitely a way to make things new and spice some things up. But when does spice become spoiled. I felt sick watching Fantasia and Jamie Foxx tounge wrestling on TV. And then she didn't even sing. She just Bobo'd across the stage and screamed into the mic.
#2. Stop Beating Around the Bush

Stop digging up old sitcom actors and actresses just to throw a twist into their little skits. Yes, we all have been dying to see Janet and her new and improved body (since her bounce back from the Fat Farm). What I didn't need was the Good Times cast, Strung Out, Where Have You Been, and Sickly. I mean JJ, Thelma, and Micheal. Although it was a nice way for lil Penny to make a comeback, I had flashbacks to Hot Iron marks. Next time let the 40-year old sex symbol have the stage to herself.
#3. X-Men 3: The Ghetto Storm

I don't know if I am more offended by Mary J. Blige screaming for 46 seconds, or the fact that she looked like a ghetto superhero in her catsuit, knee high Power Ranger boots, and half a pony attached to her head. Yes, I've never been a Mary J. fan. Some might even call me a hater. But didn't she look like she was about to take off in flight to fight crime. Maybe that's her mutant power, scream and screech, until you turn the channel.
#4. Check 1, Check 2...

"My mic sound right, check mic sound right, check mic sound right, check three...are you ready"
Sound checks are so that we can work out kinks, like microphones working. CD's being cued to the right spot. And that all backups are ready. So what happened during TI's performance. Now you wish you had a five minute delay don't you. Now BET just looks bootleg. And it has nothing to do with the venue. Its the Kodak Theatre. You didn't see this kind of foolishness during the American Idol Finale.
#5. The Original Metro

PRINCE! What else do I need to say. This dude had on some shoe boots, a purple pant suit, a matching purple neck scarf, flawless make-up, and his hair was flowing. Yeah, I'm still talking about a dude. I mean his hair looked better then half the women in the audience. Ladies, step your game off. Those women out there with original style like Kelis, that makes you Bossy. But until you float around the stage, and your hair doesn't move, you are nowhere near Prince. LOL.
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