Friday, June 23, 2006


Handle with care; Contents are extremely fragile
Should be the label on my forehead
Should warn you that on the outside I have it all together
But on the inside I can't tell my up from down.
But I do know I love you
But I have more then issues
I have subscriptions.
And the subscription is to Insecurity Magazine.
But I want you to read me.

Learn about the nuances and idiosyncrasies of me.
I want you to look at the advertisements.
See past the torn pages or folded corners.
Past my everyday wear and tear.
The words still say the same thing.
They just are a little harder to read.
I want you to read me; write letters to the editor.
Skim, the table of contents.
Find articles that make you laugh.
Pictures, that make you smile.
Editorials that make you think.
But understand I am a work in progress.
My content could be clearer if I had better subjects.
I am a product of my environment.
An archive of failure and success.
I am a Rubix Cube made of crystal.
All jumbled up, complex, fragile, but fixable.
Play with me, Turn me, Flip me, Look at me, Learn me.
But don't break me.

Handle with care.
Although I'm transparent, don't look right through me.
Everything isn't all cut and dry, until all the pieces are in the right order.
Confusion brought to clarity.
And what's clear is that I love you.
But I have more then issues.
I have subscriptions.
And the subscription is to Insecurity Magazine.
But I want you to read me.
So Ma'am, how long do you want to sign up for?

© April 2006

1 comment:

  1. D, I forgot how deep and talented you are. Nice blog homie. I'm stealing it.

    ~C.E.T (an old friend)
