Friday, June 30, 2006

The Single Man's Blues

I have the single man’s blues. Why is it that all of my friends from high school are having kids and getting married? Well some are actually doing it the traditional way by getting married and having kids, but I’m not knocking it. Anyway, I am sick and tired of being asked to be a godfather, a groomsmen, a bachelor party planner (well I like that part). All of it is just pissing me off. And it’s not like I don’t know the reason behind it, I just realized that its affecting me this way.

In the past 4 years I have not dated any woman of that marriage caliber. And I feel that I am in the minority when talking about this subject to my single male friends. I have a desire to be with one woman for the rest of my life, with little rugrats following in tow. I just don’t see it happening for me in the near future. Or any future for that matter.

And I am not saying this for any factual reason, its just the quality of women that I have chosen to date don’t make it past 3 months let alone enter into that lifetime category. So I live vicariously through my siblings who are married with kids, and I try to be the best uncle possible. But sometimes I feel reckless enough to allow thoughts of getting some random girlfriend pregnant just so that I can share in the joys of fatherhood. Now me being as responsible as I am, those thoughts are fleeting. Plus, I am allergic to baby-mama-drama. Nor, do I want to put my kids through that. I don’t know. I just been real mellow. I have a birthday coming up soon, and I just feel like I haven’t done anything to leave my mark on this world. I don’t feel sad…more like melancholy.

‘And since my sweetie left me hollow/Well it aint been the same old thing…/I know someone that lives there/And I know she won’t refuse/To put some music to my troubles and call them Harlem Blues’ -Cynda Williams, Mo Better Blues Soundtrack

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that you quoted that song...its one of my favorites! I felt you 100% as I read over this blog...I guess I have the single woman's blues! I think that when you are feeling like this you have to pull positive energy from other sources. I think thats when you end up meeting neat people at the BF Grill!!!!
