Saturday, October 13, 2007

Where Did My Theme Song Go?

"It's a rare condition this day and age to read any good news on the newspaper page..."

Do you remember that theme song? Remember the rest of the words? Or what show used to start with that same diddy every TGIF? Family Matters. But apparently music doesn't. There is a very small percentage of television shows (thanks to reality tv) that actually have real actors, but also are missing that vital theme song where as soon as we hear it we are instantly connected with our favorite characters.

Do you remember the television show that recreated there theme song and introduction every season? "The Cosby Show". It was as much apart of the show as the scripted dialogue. So why have so many writers and shows opted out of this age old (well as old as television anyway) tradition? 1.5-2 minutes. The average hour long television show only actually airs 40 minutes of footage the rest is filled with commercials and credits. And you have a DVR that automatically records programming you have faced frustrations with programs that go one or two minutes over and you miss the ending of a great cliffhanger. (Ha! Ayo, I'm tired of using technology. You can't trust it for everything)

In an effort to gain a whole episode worth of shooting (22 episodes= avg season; 22 + 2minutes= 1 extra episode) these shows have decided that no introduction is necessary. Literally. No theme. Either a quick recap or lead-in and then just the name of the show. The first 2 minutes of shooting usually reserved for special guests appearances to have their names displayed now include the principle characters. Now for shows like "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" ("In West Philadelphia born and raised"), we all knew who Will Smith was but we only kept up with the other characters because of the intro which happens to be one of the most popular rap lines sung by all, ranking up there with Sir Mix-a-lot's "Baby Got Back". There isn't a hard formula to follow, the greatest words aren't even necessary just a catchy tune. Look at Showtime's hit show Weeds. ("Tiny boxes on the hillside...") They have the same theme song, yet song in a different genre each week. Its really quite creative.

I bring this up because I am a nostalgia type of guy. Music is the only form of time travel that I am aware of. So networks if you wonder why no one remembers your last failed attempt at a cult classic hit television show, think about bringing some lyricists and create a jingle that jogs the memory.

"Where did my theme song go, I'm wonder where it went off too. I miss my theme song so, I'm searching but I can't get through. Please tell that song if you hear it, that someones longing to learn it. Where did my theme song go, I'm wishing it would get back soon. Get back soon."

So what's your favorite theme song? Mine goes along with this posts picture. Let me know. Better yet let's see you kick some of the lyrics.

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